The function of think tanks
The OCGFC do not have an ideology, or anyway, ideology does not guide their decisions. However, states and populations do have ideologies. This is where think tanks come in. Think tanks function to translate the pursuit of narrow self-interest by the OCGFC into ideologically and philosophically justifiable policies that can camouflage their actual purpose, because most people — including people within the so-called “deep state”, cannot endorse policies that blatantly serve the wealth accumulation and power consolidation of the OCGFC. Most normal people, including people in government, have some form of moral belief system, some form of ideology; be that religious, nationalistic, or what have you. Therefore, the greed and lust for power of the owners and controllers of global financialised capital must be clothed in moral or patriotic rationales. That is what think tanks do; whether it is the Heritage Foundation, Brookings Institution, or the World Economic Forum. These organisations do not set policy, they simply translate the desires of the OCGFC into the language of policy.