The Colonized Liberal Mind
There is a clear class element in what we can call the Liberal agenda, or so-called Liberal values and so on. Things like LGBT, trans, feminism, gender, free speech, secularism, and so on. These are largely the rhetorical and ideological domain of people who do not have real problems. They have been called, in fact, “first world problems”; because poor and working people have much more real and pressing issues to grapple with.
Now, this is important because, since there is a class element to this ideology, when one wants to be associated with the upper class, one can adopt their ideology. This can actually provide you with a degree of upward social mobility. If you espouse Liberal rhetoric, you can easily find yourself rubbing elbows with the upper class — the people who organise and fund events, NGOs, and so on. This is a quick and easy way to ingratiate yourself to the elites and be accepted by them.
In the Muslim world, in the Global South, this obviously mirrors the experience of colonization; particularly since we are primarily talking about ideologies that were born in and flourish in, and are prioritized by the West. So, just as in Colonial times, the upper classes often collaborated with the Colonizers, ingratiated themselves to them, learned their culture, their language, their way of thinking, and adopted it in order to be aligned with power; the same holds true today.
This is why you find these people saying things like, “it is embarrassing that homosexuality is still illegal in our country in 2022”, or “how can we ever be a developed country when we still have these archaic religious views”, and so on. This is a colonized mindset, literally talking about your own people with the same contempt with which colonizers talk about them. This is someone who cannot think for themselves, and just adopts whatever the West says, and it is largely due to class related reasons. They want to be aligned with who they believe is powerful and superior, they see the people who hold this ideology to be upper class, educated, powerful people…and they want to be like them. These are not deeply held principled positions, they are ambitious and thoughtless positions held by intellectually stunted people.
They cannot even see that these ideologies have wrought havoc in the West, that the people who believe in these ideologies are delusional and hypocritical, all they know is that they are powerful, they dominate, and so it MUST be smart to align with them. It is incredibly ironic that this group of people imagines that they are the most intelligent and sophisticated people in their society, when in fact, they are the most unthinking, unreasoning, and sycophantic people there are. Fully indoctrinated, fully subordinate, and useful only to those who wish to culturally, politically, and economically subjugate your nation.
The people they want to be like, the people they want to be accepted by, do not respect them, and never will; just as the Colonizers did not respect collaborators, the most that they think about you is that you know your place, and you accept dictation with proper subservience. As long as you think of the West, and the rich, as better than you, and all you ever do is echo their ideological rhetoric, you are sentencing yourself to irrelevance and historical oblivion. No one will ever remember you.