Poland is Honduras

Shahid Bolsen
4 min readMay 14, 2023


Let me talk for a moment about Poland in relation to the US proxy war against Europe, popularly known as the Ukraine war. As I have stated since the outbreak of the war, in my opinion, the Ukraine war is not a US proxy war against Russia, but against Europe; it is the launchpad for a continent-wide destabilisation project that will create conflict zone conditions across Europe, divide the EU against itself, de-industrialize the continent and make it another laboratory for the imposition of severe neoliberal austerity policies that will wipe out all but the largest private sector players and basically re-feudalize Europe.

Poland appears to have been selected by the United States as their hub of operations for implementing this program. But before I get into that, let’s go back to one of the earliest examples of this type of project — the Dirty Wars in Central and South America. When I was growing up, and was always interested in politics and world events, the evening news was dominated every night with savagery taking place in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Argentina. Civil wars, death squads, torture, abductions, and all forms of brutality proliferated the entire region. All of this was orchestrated out of the American embassy in Honduras, under the management of US Ambassador John Negroponte, whom locals referred to as “Mr. Death Squad”. Honduras had the largest US embassy in the region, and the biggest CIA station, and the country was the staging ground for a regional destabilization project that went on throughout the 1980s.

When Negroponte was appointed US ambassador to Iraq after the American invasion and occupation, I expected him to pursue a similar project of regional destabilisation. His protégé Robert Stephen Ford was made ambassador to Syria, where he immediately began trying to foment violent opposition, until he was kicked out of the country. But we are all aware of the Arab Spring, and the role CIA-backed organisations played in that disruption, as well, of course, as the CIA role in the eventual civil war in Syria. The US tried to appoint Ford as ambassador to Egypt, actually, but fortunately, his and his mentor’s reputations preceded them, and they had to scrap the idea.

So, the point here is that there is a pattern, and once you are familiar with the pattern, you can recognise it and can abstractly predict how it will play out. Well, in the current scenario, in my opinion, Poland is Honduras. Near the beginning of the Ukraine war, I noticed the role Poland was playing as a destination for refugees, and as a source for mercenaries, so I decided to check who is the current US ambassador to Poland.

While it is not Negroponte or Ford, the ambassador is the son of one of the most notorious policy advisors in recent memory, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski, who was Polish, was the architect of US support for the mujahideen in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union, and was a staunch and paranoid anti-Russian zealot. He believed that the disintegration of the EU was inevitable, and that only the perception of Russia as a threat could induce the European Union to act in unison; he also believed that several Eastern bloc countries should never have been admitted into the EU, namely the Eastern bloc countries and the Baltic States. It is safe to assume that his son, Mark Brzezinski, the current US ambassador to Poland, shares these views; and he is in charge of coordinating the destabilisation program that will seek to split Europe down the middle, changing America’s focus of support from Atlantic and Central Europe, to Eastern Europe, with Poland as its primary client. They are using Brzezinski’s theory that Europe needs a Russian threat to unite them to coerce unified support for policies that will ultimately result in the disintegration of the EU.

No doubt, the US has dangled promises in front of Poland, promising that they can re-emerge as a major power after over 4 centuries. They are telling Poland that Germany is weakening both naturally and by design, and that they can become not only the manufacturing heart of the new Europe, but also the largest military power. They are hinting that Poland can become a super-state, incorporating both Lithuania and Western Ukraine — the suspected St. Petersberg bomber, by the way, was born in Western Ukraine. And as a result of these promises, Poland is willingly doing America’s dirty work, as in fact, they have been doing for quite some time anyway. As a result of embracing their role as a destabilizing operative for the US, Poland will likely become as Honduras was — a police state, and this, of course is already happening, with American soldiers being more or less allowed to run amok in the country, with police telling citizens that they have no power to arrest them, as you see here.

The Eastern Bloc and Baltic states will be tightly controlled under US influence, and encouraged to distance themselves from the EU, and to form their own economic and security bloc, and this too is already happening. Poland will potentially become engaged militarily in the war in Ukraine, and perhaps Belarus as well, and unquestionably, covert disruption efforts in Georgia and Moldova are originating from the US embassy in Warsaw.

This just gives you a geopolitical framework for what is going on in Europe, and Poland’s role in what is a repeating pattern by the US. And here I would like to point out that our understanding of the multiple ayaat which warn us against taking the kuffar as awliya, and stating that they are awliya to one another, our understanding should include the possibility that this is not only because they are unreliable awliya for Muslims, but also because they are unreliable awliya even for each other, because they tend to operate according to short-sighted self-interest; their loyalty is a commodity sold for benefit, and they will turn on anyone if they think it will profit them. I don’t think anything could make that clearer than what we see happening today in Europe, and how America has no qualms about sabotaging and undermining the safety, prosperity, and even the lives of Europeans, while still proclaiming to be their friends.



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