Identify by Your Real Situation, Not by Your Fake Nation

Shahid Bolsen
15 min readNov 29, 2024


America was aborted when it was just embryonic idea. Because that idea would not have allowed chattel slavery, that idea would not have allowed genocide of the indigenous people. That idea would not have allowed the country to have engaged in wars of conquest, expansion, colonization, pillage and plunder in every decade of its existence. No that America was never allowed to live, that idea of justice and equality and human rights, freedom and liberty; no. That idea was aborted as an embryo before it even had a soul. And instead, you spawned a monster, and you just gave it the same name you had planned to give your other baby. And I said aborted, because this wasn’t a miscarriage, this wasn’t a still birth; this was a decision. Your founders conceived a beautiful idea, and made a decision to abort it. And I’ll tell you why. Because their cultural and civilizational genetics never could produce that beautiful idea in real life, or anyway, one of the two of them would inevitably die in the delivery. Either the idea would die, or the parent would have to die. And they sure weren’t ready to sacrifice their own life — their own culture, their own civilization, their own heritage and approach to the world — for the sake of that beautiful idea. No, they wanted slaves, they wanted pillage, they wanted supremacy; so they aborted the idea of America as fast as they could, and they just told everyone that they didn’t. They told everyone that the monster they really delivered into the world was actually that beautiful idea they had conceived.

You scammed the whole world. It’s like identity theft. Like a con man who takes the name and social security number of a dead person, and goes around pretending to be them. Well, the idea of America is dead, and the ones who killed it are walking around here calling themselves America. It’s identity theft; the only difference is that the idea was killed in the womb, and never took one breath of oxygen. America the idea never lived; and all you actually ever gave birth to — ideologically, intellectually, morally, philosophically, politically, economically, and culturally — was just more of the same corrupt and wicked bloodline of Western pirates and marauders; classists, racists, bigots, and psychopaths; who give nothing to the world, to humanity, but only take and devour and destroy. Even everything that you make, your technology and what have you; because I know you will point to that as your great contribution to the world — technology…even that, was and is only achieved through bloodshed. You can’t even figure out how to make something useful without having to enslave or massacre people in order to do it. Your whole tech sector was created for the purposes of war and carnage, your technology came from your military industrial complex; all your innovations were in the killing sector before they were ever in the commercial sector. Why, you can’t even make one smartphone without tearing through six continents, enslaving workers in Africa, choking Asia’s air, draining South America’s water, and burying the Global South in toxic waste. If immorality was radiation, we’d all drop dead the moment we use any of your technology. Sure, you made it, but you never bothered to figure out how to make it without killing, colonization, slavery, brutality and environmental catastrophe. You have never solved a single problem without your solution creating worse problems.

Because this is just the genetics, and I am talking about the civilizational genetics, the cultural genetics, the intellectual and ideological genetics of the West. I am not talking about so-called race or ethnicity. Being fixated on those incidental characteristics is exactly part of the inferior cultural and moral and intellectual genetics of Western so-called civilization. Because they are addicted to mislabeling the source of our problems, they are adamant about it; they are relentless about misidentifying the source of our problems; because they never want those problems to be solved — because just like I said about aborting the beautiful idea of America; they know that their whole so-called civilization IS the source of the problems, and you can’t get rid of the problems without getting rid of the source; you can’t solve the problems without getting rid of the problem-maker. So, they want you to always think that the problems are different than they are, that the source is different than it is; and that way, they can protect themselves, their culture, their heritage, and their so-called civilization. And, again, this runs through every aspect of their society. It runs through their economy, their advertising and marketing, and all the fake solutions their businesses claim to provide. In fact, the main thing they are good at manufacturing aside from problems, is distraction, deflection, misdirection, and phoney solutions for the problems they have created. Not only will they tell you fake solutions to real problems, they will even distract you from the real problems by making you panic about fake problems. Everything and anything just to keep you away from the truth, anything and everything to keep you away from reality, from understanding reality, meanwhile, they are making reality more and more miserable for you. When your stomach hurts because you’re hungry, they’ll tell you it’s for some reason, any reason, but that you don’t have food to eat. It’s because the oil price is high, or there was a drought somewhere, or what have you; meanwhile he’s eating while he’s telling you. Food stains on his shirt while he’s telling you all the reasons you’re hungry. They think you’re a fool. But you go along with it, so it’s hard to say they’re wrong.

And that’s why I am telling you. There is no such thing as America, not the one they put in your mind. You need to get that illusion out of your head, and start seeing reality for what it is. You think of yourself as an American, and that whole identity is a false construction built to delude and control you, and to keep you at bay. It is designed to keep you divided from everyone else in the world who are the victims of that monster that is carrying on the ideological bloodline of feudalism, tyranny, and oppression. Because they don’t want you to see yourselves as belonging to that same category of humanity as the victims of Western so-called civilization. Because you ARE part of that same category of humanity. You’re victims of the West, just like the rest of us.

Your oligarchs don’t believe you’re American, your politicians don’t believe you’re American; your elite don’t believe you’re American, your ruling class, your super rich, nobody thinks of you like that. They see you exactly the same way that they see their victims around the world. Just because they use different methods doesn’t mean they think of you differently. They just modify their tactics, but the objective is the same: Subjugation, exploitation, using you and abusing you, and discarding you. And I mean that literally. Over 20% of homeless people, internally displaced people in America, people with no shelter, no refuge in what is supposedly their own country; over 20% are elderly. People who lived their whole lives serving that ruthless system, just get spat out into the gutter. And that’s not something new, back in Europe they used to throw them off a cliff. This is cultural, moral, civilizational bloodline. It’s vicious. The average age of a homeless person is 50 in the United States; but they’ll tell you you are supposed to have security financially by that age. Isn’t that what they say? In the first part of your life you learn, in the second you earn, and in the third you return; isn’t that the Instagram wisdom they tell you? No, in the first part of your life in America, you yearn, in the second part of your life you churn, and in the third part of your life in America, you burn. And I am telling that what you need to do is unlearn, discern, and overturn.

Because don’t think that you in America don’t need to decolonize your psyche the same as people in the Muslim world and the Global South, because you do. Whether you are a Muslim in the Western Diaspora, or someone from the global majority categorized in the West as a minority; or whether you are someone from Western heritage. You need to decolonize your psyche the same as anyone else in the Global South, in the former colonized countries, the neo-colonized countries. Because you’re just as psychologically colonized as the rest of us. In fact, you have to do even more, because not only do you have to psychologically de-colonize, you have to psychologically de-colonizerize. Again, whether your heritage is from the Global South or from the West, this applies. Because, like I said before, you are slaves in Pharoah’s palace, but you think you are part of the royal family, and you’re not. I see this with diaspora Muslims in the West a lot. They will have that colonized immigrant mentality, the inferiority complex in relation to Westerners, but simultaneously a Western superiority complex in relation to the Muslim world and the Global South. And both sides of this split personality, this fractured psyche, both sides do not recognize the West for what it is, America for what it is. It is precisely because they believe in the illusion that they have an inferiority complex in relation to Westerners — because they have internalized Western supremacy as legitimate; and for the same reason, they look down on their brothers and sisters outside the West. You have let yourselves be tricked into thinking that proximity means being on the same side, that just because you photobomb the great American selfie, you are part of the friend group. That’s like a soccer ball thinking it’s a member of the team, and not just something that both teams just kick around to win the game. Because that’s what you are to them, and that’s how they see you, and that’s how they treat you.

Only about 5 to 10 percent of the people in the United States of America are enjoying the supposedly unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and it’s at the expense of the other 90 to 95 percent; and that same ratio is played out on the world stage. Only about 10% of the global population come from the colonizing nations of the world, and the rest of the 90% are under their boots; so in fact, the overwhelming majority of you in America, and across the West; the overwhelming majority of you are in the same position in your own countries as the colonized countries are in on earth. You’re under the same boots we’re under. 5 to 10 percent of the people in just 10% of the countries in the world are dominating 90 to 95 percent of the rest of the population on this earth, in the Global South and in the Global North; in the East and in the West.

And before you misunderstand me; I am not saying that the few ruling the many is a bad thing, in and of itself. That sort of ratio has always been the case and always will be. That’s the nature of authority and power. There’s always going to be fewer people who rule than there are people who are ruled. But how are they ruling? That’s the issue. What’s their qualification? The qualification is supposed to be wisdom, decency, loyalty to the people, concern for the people, insight and understanding, honesty, conviction, moral uprightness, consistency in their principles, virtue and dedication to serve the greater good. Can you name even one leader in the Western world who has these qualifications? Forget about having all of them, is there any leader in America or the West who has even ONE of these qualities? You and I know they embody the opposite of each and every one of these qualifications for leadership. Their unwise, indecent, disloyal, with contempt for the people — not concern. They’re dishonest, uncommitted, amoral, and blatantly hypocritical; they are unvirtuous and couldn’t care less about the greater good of their societies. They’re selfish, not selfless. They are public servants who have made the public servants.

And as long as you play along with them playing you for a fool, then you are a fool. You’re a fool if you identify with being an American, unless you are part of that 5 to 10 of the population who have over a seven figure income. You need to stop identifying yourself according to your fake nation, and start identifying yourself according to your real situation. Because look, there’s all sorts of ways to group identify people, to organise people, and one of the most meaningless ways to do it is by location. And that is what citizenship or nationality comes down to; all the people in this room are the same, even when that room is a jail cell and some of the people are prisoners and some are prison guards. The people in that room are not the same, they are not in the same situation; and they would have to be out of their minds to think they are. Well, that’s you. You’re prisoners in a cell, and the guards are in the cell with you, beating you with their clubs; and you’re in there thinking you’re all the same because you are all in the same room.

So, if you have any sense, if you are intelligent; you will identify yourself according to your situation, according to your condition, not according to your location. A country is nothing but a usually very diverse population who have all agreed to a territorial national identity. Meaning, this is just an agreement, to one degree or another; it is an agreement by all those people to define themselves according to this completely insubstantial criterion. And that criterion then divides them from people who are in the exact same situation as them, but who are in that same situation in a different territory. Please understand. So, you can choose to define yourself according to other, more intelligent criteria. So, if you are hungry in one room, and I am hungry in another room, and the same person is taking food from both of us, but that person happens to also stay in your room — are you going to be on his side or mine? Is the fact that he stays in your room going to make you think that you and him have more in common than you and me? That’s not intelligent. But that’s the way they have got you thinking.

So, think about BRICS. BRICS is organised according to countries, but also according to other shared criteria, economic criteria, development criteria, and so on. And it is based on some degree of shared experience, whether they say it explicitly or not, there is a shared experience of all BRICS members being historical targets of Western aggression. And I am saying, why can’t you organise in the same way, according to the same types of criteria, except just minus the country part. Organise as populations, not as countries. As populations who share the same situations, the same circumstances, the same conditions; even if not the same locations. But first, you have to start identifying yourself like this, identifying yourself according to a set of criteria that actually means something, and then feeling and pursuing solidarity with others who fit that same set of criteria. You share economic circumstances similar to people in the Global South. You share similar struggles with development issues as people in the Global South — just look at the state of your cities, your inner cities, your infrastructure, your water supply, your sanitation, even your power grids and your internet, your public health services and so on. Why, there so many places in the Global South that have it better off than you. And you share being a targ et of Western aggression and subjugation. For millions of Americans, the only thing you DON’T have in common with the people of the Global South is your location.

Think about it. This is what the colonizers did in our lands. They carved up territory, sliced communities up between newly drawn borders, divided people with common characteristics — tribes, heritage, language, culture and so on — and left some of them on this side of the national boundary and some on that side, and then told them they were now this or that nationality, had this or that citizenship. So, for example, you are Kenyan or Tanzanian, even though you are Masai, or you are Pakistani or Afghani, even though you are Pathan or Pashun. You are Lebanese or Syrian or Palestinian, even though you are the people of Bilad ash-Sham. Or you are Kurdish, but now you are either Iraqi or Turkish or Iranian or Syrian. On and on. The Tuareg are now Libyan, or Malian, or Nigerien or Algerian, or Burkinabe. So, this is what they do. And this applies to you in the West, in America. You are divided from the people with whom you actually have the most in common; because instead of defining yourselves, as a group, defining and identifying yourselves according to your situation and conditions, you define yourselves and identify by your so-called nationality. Which does nothing but isolate and weaken you.

Because believe me, the rich don’t do that. And the rich are the only ones in America who get to enjoy the so-called rights and privileges of American citizenship — but THEY don’t identify that way or define themselves that way, and they and their group transcend the borders they keep you locked in. Just like how a prison guard is not locked in the prison with the inmates. They go where they want, the float above borders. And they constitute a nation unto themselves. Their loyalty is to their class, not to their country, they know perfectly well how artificial and arbitrary and fake that is. Nationalities and national boundaries and borders are only for the poor. You have heard of Doctors without Borders, or Reporters without Borders? Well the rich are rulers without borders, and one of the ways they rule you is by keeping YOU within the borders they themselves transcend. I am talking about mentally, psychologically, and in terms of your identity. They keep you within those borders. While they operate without borders. They know they have more in common with a billionaire in South Africa than they have in common with you, even though you may live only a few streets away from them.

So, you need a vision — a vision that transcends borders, a vision that unites us not by the lines drawn on a map, but by the shared struggles we face as people. We have seen the power of organizations like BRICS, which gather nations under the banner of common interests. But I am saying, why should we limit ourselves to the confines of countries? Why can’t we organize as populations — populations that share the same conditions, the same circumstances, the same fight for dignity and justice?

Look around you! We are living in a time where economic disparity is rampant. Many of us are grappling with poverty, unemployment, and a lack of opportunity. We find ourselves in communities where the infrastructure crumbles, where our schools are underfunded, and where healthcare is a luxury rather than a right. These are not just issues of one nation; they are the struggles of most people on earth. We must recognize that millions of us, regardless of where we live, share these same economic conditions.

We have all been targets of Western aggression, and we have felt the misery of subjugation. Whether you are in the inner cities of America or the rural villages of the Global South, the chains of exploitation bind us together. We should acknowledge this shared experience and use it as a foundation for our unity.

It is time to build networks that connect us. We should create coalitions that bring together individuals and groups who share our struggles, regardless of where they are located. We have the technology, the means, and the spirit to reach out to one another, to communicate, to collaborate, and to stand in solidarity.

We can build a platform that amplifies our voices and advocates for our rights. Develop a unified voice that speaks for the marginalized, the disenfranchised, and the oppressed. Strategize for policies that address our shared challenges and demand the respect and dignity we deserve.

Our struggles are interconnected, and our liberation is bound together; and that is exactly why they want you to think of yourselves according to these divisive and restrictive and reductive identities.

But you have to be ready to identify yourselves not just as citizens of a country, but as part of a global population that shares the same fight. You have to be ready to pursue solidarity with those who face the same conditions, the same struggles, and the same dreams for a better future.

This is what Middle Nation is committed to. Our priority, of course, is with the Muslims — in the Muslim world and in the diaspora. We are committed to the economic sovereignty, political independence, and psychological decolonization of our people and of all the people of the Global South more broadly; but that also includes all the subjugated, exploited, and used and abused 90% of the people of the West.

This doesn’t represent a revolution, but a restoration; a restoration of balance, of proportion, of fairness. It’s not militancy but moderation, because no one is more militant than the Western elites, who literally command and wield the militaries of their countries against the rest of us, and who militarize the police and security forces against their own populations. We are not aiming to overthrow anything or anyone, but to lift up the global majority who have themselves been thrown down, thrown under, and run over. And as for that fanatic and psychopathic 10% elite minority from that Western 10% of the global population…you have no credibility, no respectability, and no qualifications. We know that every word you say is a lie, and every action you take is against us. You have never achieved anything except at our expense, you never created anything except that you destroyed more in the process, and everything you have, you have by means of deception, exploitation, expropriation, colonization and violent subjugation. You may be at the top of the class hierarchy, but the bottom of the moral hierarchy; you’re classists with no class, you have power but no authority. You’re billionaires held up by billions of hands, crowd surfing on top of the 90% for a long time now, so don’t be surprised when we decide to drop you.



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