Shahid Bolsen
2 min readJun 21, 2021

Cursed beginnings do not lead to blessed ends

Among the worst things one can do to oneself; it becomes an impenetrable wall around each and every possibility and smothers all potential; is to know something important about reality with absolute certainty, but to refuse, with the same iron conviction, to acknowledge it. Of all the things that can take place within that mental prison cell, movement cannot. Progress cannot. And any growth that occurs is necessarily unnatural and twisted. Now, this is the case for the individual, but it is even more monstrous when an entire society does it. This is the race situation in America.

By knowing and acknowledging, I am not talking about knowing that slavery existed and White supremacy, and then confessing the same. That is not the unacknowledged reality about which everyone is secretly certain. All of that is known and talked about ad nauseum. This is not the dread; this is not what we all know but cannot bear to say.

Why is it, after all, that we have had a ‘frank discussion on race in America’ at least since my grandfather’s generation until now (but for actually much longer), and it never ceases? It is not to solve, but to deflect from that moribund reality we cannot face; which is, quite tragically, that it is simply too late.

The damage was done centuries ago, it cannot be undone, and it is fatal damage. It was a corrupted seed, and no matter how many blossoms bloom forth from this tree, it is poisoned and can never become what it set out to be — precisely because of what it set out to be. At the most delicate stage of its inception, America invented and enforced a lie against humanity that sabotaged the realization of everything the country proposed to become. It matters little what happens after that; the end was sealed at the beginning; and everyone knows it.

Every ‘frank discussion on race’ of every generation, is meant to soothe us, numb us, and allow us to pretend that we are not just chatting on the deck of a doomed and sinking ship. Every specific grievance, from police brutality to schools to reparations could be addressed sincerely and adequately, but this ship is going down regardless. Cursed beginnings do not have blessed ends. Rotted wood is not strengthened by paint.

It does not even matter that most people in America today are not racist, nor that effort after effort, policy after policy has been implemented to even the scales; and herein lies the tragedy. The reckoning for the invention of Black subhuman-ness is a cosmic one and it cannot be averted or avoided. All of America’s brilliance, its achievements, its wealth, its power, its triumphs, are encircled by a curse, and have been accumulated precisely to demonstrate the monstrousness of the offense; for none of that will suffice to ransom the country from its fate.

There is only one way for America to free itself from this curse, only one way to salvage its destiny, and that is Islam.

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