America’s Election Ritual
It’s divide and conquer. If you wonder why American society is so divided, and I mean divided in so many ways. It isn’t just that the divides are deep, it is that the divides are so many. Black — White, race against race, advocates of this issue against opponents of this issue, even men against women and women against men. There isn’t a single category within the society that doesn’t have a corresponding nemesis. It is just divide and conquer, playing out domestically. And Democrats and Republicans is just another one of these divisions. Because the country is being conquered by corporate, economic imperialists.
Look, I don’t care who you vote for in November, because power doesn’t care who you vote for either. I have said it before, if you imagine that unelected power of the private sector is going to entrust the public with deciding how things are going to be run, and who is going to run things, you are living in a fantasy. It is absurd. America has subverted, sabotaged, and strangled democracy all around the world. They have been interfering and tampering with, and rigging elections across the globe for decades; from Haiti to Honduras, from Italy to Iran, and from South Africa to Syria. They have toppled governments, assassinated elected officials, fixed elections, bribed, bullied, and bulldozed democracies on every continent for a century. They don’t think the population of any country in the world can be trusted to elect leaders who will safeguard the interests of the American elite, what on earth makes you think they are going to trust YOU with that power?
The rig elections and install who they want in country after country, but somehow you think they are not going to do that in their own country? Why, how naïve can you be?
Listen, the election cycle in America is nothing but a mechanism of what you can call the campaign industrial complex, whereby billions upon billions of dollars of contributions are funnelled into the private sector. I mean, when you donate to a politician, to a candidate; where do you think that money goes? It goes directly to business. You’re not doing anything but increase the revenue streams of consultancies, Ad agencies, analytics firms, PR firms, media companies, social media and digital marketing agencies, events coordinators, and so on. This is nothing but the public basically providing an economic stimulus package to unproductive industries. It is a wealth transfer that you yourselves are participating in. You are literally just donating money to the private sector, and getting nothing in return, except that you get to watch the most expensive fan-fiction movie about democracy ever produced.
I mean, look at the Democrats. Kamala Harris was just appointed as the nominee, she wasn’t voted for. This is straight up succession, not election. There were no primaries. She hasn’t had to outline her policy platform. No one needs her to do that. All she has to do is not be Donald Trump. This is the logic of demonization versus policy debate as a campaign strategy. No candidate has to win your approval as long as the whole election is framed in the “lesser of two evils” scenario. And what is the point of that? To make the preprogrammed win seem plausible, that’s all; and to not leave any opening for dissent to manifest that might make the win seem implausible. Because, for instance, if voters actually have demands of this candidate or that candidate, and the candidate fails to address those demands, it could cast doubt upon their eventual victory. And inevitably, if a candidate DOES address voter demands, well, that will always end up alienating some other faction of voters. So, we don’t talk about issues, and we don’t talk about how to deal with issues. We just rally behind our party’s candidate in lock-step because the other party’s candidate is literally the devil incarnate. When you are operating in the lesser of two evils framework, you will always have decidedly low expectations of your chosen candidate, and that’s perfect when the election is already fraudulent in the first place.
So, this uncomplicates the rigging process. And don’t even imagine that it is a conspiracy theory that the US rigs elections. Between 1946 and 2000, America is documented to have interfered with, tampered with, influenced, or outright rigged at least 88 elections from Europe to Latin America to Asia and Africa. Again, if you think they will do this everywhere else, but YOUR so-called democracy is pristine, I would ask you why you think so. Why would it be more important to the power structure to control the outcome of an election in, say, Guyana, than it would be for them to control the outcome of an election in the US? Because yes, Guyana is one of the countries where America rigged elections in the past.
I am telling you I don’t care who you vote for because power doesn’t care who you vote for, because the outcome is not determined by you. Biden stepped aside because his preprogrammed victory could never be convincing. But look, Biden himself, the fact of Biden — a man who is literally in late stage senility, a man who is visibly disintegrating before our eyes — the fact that he was not only president, but was absolutely going to be run again for another term despite being a cadaver on strings; SHOULD let you know that power does not reside in that office. These politicians serve two main functions; the first is to distract you with the performance of democratic government, and the second is to be effigies that can be burned to satisfy public anger when the policies dictated by the private sector impose misery on the population.
So, when an American asks me who they should vote for, or when they say this one is better than that one, or at least not as bad as that one, and what do I think and so on…you may as well be asking me which marvel superhero is better than the other. Because you are not talking to me about figures who have any real significance with regard to policy. You are not talking about figures who exert control over anything, you are not talking about the real existing power structure. You are asking me to give you an opinion about a fictional scenario in which your government wields independent power. As long as you are fixated on this charade, there is no danger whatsoever of you ever having an impact on policy. You are just facilitating and collaborating with the divide and conquer tactics of the owners and controllers of global financialised capital.
And I don’t know how you can be so propagandized that you cannot even notice that your own media actually tells you every day that the government is not in charge. I mean how many times have you heard or read “the market will decide” or, “we will have to see what the Market does”, and so on? Well, when they say the Market, they don’t mean you and I. They mean big business, multinational corporations, asset managers, and stock market whales — not voters. Not citizens. Not Democrats and not republicans. You live in an oligarchy, and your so-called democracy is only performed as a distraction to keep you from noticing that fact.
Now, for this election in the US, as I have said, Harris and Trump are mascots representing two different factions of the OCGFC, and it is going to be like what just happened in Venezuela, the only way Trump can win is by trying to out rig the election rigging of the democrats, but the democrats are the incumbents, like Maduro. So, they have the advantage in overseeing the succession, and Harris is likely to win. The only thing Trump can do is try to boost his popularity to the point that Harris’s preprogrammed victory looks less plausible. But like I said before, this is not musical chairs, where both candidates are walking in circles until the music stops and they have to race for the seat; Kamala is already in the chair, like Maduro, and it is harder to get someone out of that seat than it is to sit in it. So, it looks like the Neocons will stay in the White House, and that just means that the real battle between the military industrial complex OCGFC and the global-oriented OCGFC is going to go on a while longer.
But if you are fool enough to think that you have to drop everything in order to ensure that Kamala Harris will win and Trump will lose, then you are literally like someone who can watch the Roadrunner cartoons, and still get worried and anxious about whether or not the coyote is going to catch him. I know it is important for you to think so, but the reality is, you are not writing how this story goes. And as long as you think you are, you will always be nothing but spectators.
Unless and until you redirect your activism towards the private sector, and I mean organise and mobilise with the understanding that, for example, corporations are political entities, and treat them as such, deal with them as such, and impose expectations and demands upon them as such; all your get-out-the vote initiatives, all your campaigning, all your voting, will never do anything for social or political change except help to ensure that it won’t happen.
Boeing, for example, just used your government to make about $20 billion dollars; Boeing, Raytheon, and all the other merchants of death and destruction. They just got $20 billion of your money to keep the genocide going in Gaza. That’s their policy. Zionism is their policy. Genocide is their policy. And they’re doing it for money. They give almost evenly to the Democrats as they do to the Republicans, slightly more to the Democrats. And it is almost even between Kamala Harris and Trump, though they contributed more to Harris. I shouldn’t say “contribute” I should say “invest”, because they give that money as an investment from which they expect astronomical returns. These are the entities that control your policy. Not your ballot, but their billions. Your government is captured, and your country has been captured; and power and decision-making has been transferred from the public sector to the private sector. Your laws and your policies are written by corporate lawyers not congressmen.
Your democracy has become like the British monarchy, it’s just an empty tradition. You go out to vote the same way British people line the streets to watch the king pass by in a horse and carriage; it is just a nod to the lore and heritage of your society. It’s a ritual that has no significance beyond the psychological and emotional. It is a collective society-wide self-soothing gesture. America is a corporate authoritarian system cosplaying as a democracy.
And everybody around the world sees you, you know, you people who are campaigning for Trump or campaigning for Harris, everybody sees you like someone at a Cosplay event who has dressed up like iron man and actually thinks that the buttons on his costume work. We have to elect Trump or that meteor is going to destroy the earth! We have to elect Harris, or the multi-dimensional aliens will kill us all! You are really invested in the fantasy storyline. Nobody thinks your democracy exists except you. Because we know too well what your democracy looks like when you export it to us. You have the same one you sent us, and that means you don’t have one either.
You are not constituents of politicians, you are constituents of companies, and you need to organise yourselves along these lines. Democratize private sector power. Your activism and your strategy has to, at some point, be informed by the actually existing power dynamics in your society, not just by the official version of the power structure they taught in civics class.
Until you do that, I’m telling you, the harder you work for this party or that party, you’re doing nothing but fortify and reinforce your own disenfranchisement and irrelevance.