American Inmates
Didn’t I tell you, if you react to everything Trump says you are going to have a nervous breakdown. You can’t keep up. The man is a human flash grenade. The anational OCGFC are going for broke. It’s like a shock and awe campaign against the post-WWII world order, scorched earth. He is the Disorienter in Chief.
A lot of people wanted me to respond to the obscene video Trump shared, the AI generated video that is supposed to show his vision of Gaza. Even though I have already said multiple times that you should never take anything he says literally, and I have already said that his whole so-called plan for Gaza was absurd, and nothing but a tactic for signalling to the GCC and Egypt and so on, that it is time to move forward with a workable plan for reconstruction — which was essentially confirmed by Steve Whitkoff a few days later when he said that Trump was just trying to get leaders in the region talking and putting together ideas for moving forward. But, of course, it was a disgusting video. I mean, it was disgusting and pathetic. Disgusting, pathetic, and it is the closest they will ever come to that scenario ever existing in reality. This is what they can do now. Create an AI virtual outcome, because creating a real outcome is no longer within their capability. It is like that crazy Egyptian a little while ago, in Syria, who made an AI vision of an uprising in Egypt. It’s the same. You are so disconnected from having real-world impact and influence, that your imaginary dream scenarios can only be realized through AI, CGI, animation and what have you. So, I was not going to respond, or anyway, I was deciding whether or not to respond to that grotesque video; and then there was that smack-a-thon in the White House with Trump and Zelensky and JD Vance. See what I mean? Shock and awe. Never leave time to process, to deliberate, to analyze. Just pummel the collective consciousness with spectacles and dumpster fires. To keep everyone not just distracted but literally bewildered. Paralysis through an overload of weird, shocking behaviour.
And, you know, within this stampede of outlandish, outrageous behaviour, you also have Musk’s shenanigans in Germany, the UK, and so on; the elections in Germany that took Scholz out of power and replaced him with a former BlackRock executive. People ask me to comment on all these things, but honestly, it is like asking me to comment on every step in a staircase that someone is falling down. Because all of this is just the playing out of what I have been saying all along.
The Anational OCGFC are throwing Europe under the bus, and in fact, they already threw it under the bus, so the headlines now are just about which part is currently getting crushed under the wheels. The US is subjugating Europe, distancing themselves from the conflict zone they want it to become. So, look at the reaction of the EU leadership to the Trump-Zelensky shouting match; pledging their undying support for Ukraine, doubling-down on animosity to Russia, and accepting that they are no longer American partners. OK, that is just Europe continuing to fall down the stairs. The effigy Scholz is removed, and BlackRock takes over direct control of Germany to ensure that the destabilization goes on. Every country is supposed to fend for itself, in terms of security and military preparedness — which will mean purchasing weapons systems from the US, domestic conscription, and so on. You understand, I find it hard to motivate myself to even comment on all this because I have been literally saying this for years already.
I mean, if you want me to comment on the train wreck of a press conference between Trump, Vance, and Zelensky; what is there to say? This is where it is appropriate to bring up the fact that Trump was a reality TV star. People mention that dismissively all the time, as if that is all Trump has ever been; which is dishonest; but in this case, it’s right. That was a reality TV catfight. And it makes me look at how well King Abdullah controlled himself in HIS press conference with Trump, that everyone criticized him for. But he didn’t allow himself to be provoked into the indignity of a shouting match, which you have to know at this point, Trump is always loaded up for. World leaders have to understand that any joint press conference with Trump is a trap, because he is absolutely, shamelessly ready to play for the cameras; and this, again, is just another way of alienating the rest of the world from the US and isolating America from the world stage. If your relationship with the US is sensitive in any way, the worst thing you could do is agree to appear at a joint press conference with Trump. You know, Teddy Roosevelt said “speak softly but carry a big stick”, so when you see an American president speaking loudly, you know he’s got no stick, so all he can do is try to beat you verbally, and if he does it on camera, in public, it can have the same effect as a physical beat-down; so leaders around the world should never give him the chance.
OK, so meanwhile, ACTUAL things are happening. And you should try to pay attention to these things. Like the gutting of the federal government. The Anational OCGFC are scraping out the insides of the government like a Halloween pumpkin.
What we are witnessing is not some unprecedented decline of Western power, but rather the natural conclusion of the imperial project: the anational OCGFC are simply doing to Europe and America what they have done to the Global South for ages. The machinery of empire was never built to serve the people of the imperial core; it was built to serve the private interests that controlled it. And now, with America retracting as an empire, those same private sector elites are cannibalizing the very system that sustained them.
For decades, the Global South has been systematically stripped of sovereignty, its governments reduced to administrators of corporate interests, its resources extracted, its populations controlled through debt, military intervention, and economic coercion. Now, that same process is being applied to the former imperial centers themselves. The U.S. is not just retreating from global hegemony — it is being devoured from within. The institutions that once managed empire abroad are now being dismantled at home, repurposed to facilitate the looting of the American economy and the subjugation of its own population under the same neoliberal order it imposed elsewhere.
Look at what Trump has done to the federal government. Agencies that were once responsible for regulating industry, protecting labor rights, ensuring environmental standards, or providing social services have been gutted, hollowed out, or handed over to private sector actors who have no interest in governance beyond how it can be exploited for profit. The Environmental Protection Agency? Turned into a tool for deregulation. The Department of Education? Pushed toward privatization. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? Dismantled to make way for unchecked corporate predation. Even institutions like the State Department and Pentagon, traditionally instrumental in maintaining empire abroad, have been restructured to prioritize the profits of defense contractors and oil companies over any coherent strategic vision.
And then, of course, there is the push to shift military costs onto other nations. The idea that Europe must rearm itself, that NATO members must vastly increase their defense budgets — this is not about strengthening alliances. It is about shifting the cost burden of maintaining global security onto others while the U.S. sells them the weapons. It’s the same game they played with Third World militaries: create instability, manufacture demand for arms, and ensure that war itself remains a profitable industry. Europe is being positioned not as a partner but as a new frontier for security-based economic exploitation.
This is the inevitable trajectory of an empire in decline. America’s global footprint is shrinking, but not because it is making a strategic retreat — it is because the forces that once wielded the empire for their own gain no longer need the facade of national power. They have extracted what they could from the world, and now they are extracting from America itself. The country is being looted, asset-stripped, and sold off in pieces. And just as they did in the Global South, they will leave behind a population drowning in debt, a government incapable of addressing their needs, and a security apparatus that exists solely to suppress dissent.
So what does this mean for us? It means that America is not an exception. The people who controlled and profited from empire have never had national loyalties. The same corporate oligarchs, financial institutions, and military contractors that drained the Global South are now doing the same to the West. The same economic policies that left entire nations impoverished, the same mechanisms of debt enslavement, the same manufactured crises and wars of destabilization — these are now being turned inward.
You all over in America need to understand this, you need to understand that you are absolutely on your own. You know, you have a kind of bear that is only in America, the Black Bear, it is a predatory animal and a scavenger — appropriately so. And when it goes out to find prey or to find food, and can’t find it, well, it comes right back to its den and eats its own cubs. Forget about the chickens coming home to roost, this is a case of a hungry bear coming home to eat its young.
And you need to start thinking about your options. You need to start thinking about what resistance means for you. You have two choices, really; resistance or escape. In this case, it is important for you to understand that you are dealing with the literal programming of the system, the DNA. It is like the bear’s nature. You are not going to change the bear’s nature. It is programmed like that. This isn’t about Trump. This isn’t about Right or Left, about Republican or Democrat. This is about the nature of the system itself, and this is the only way the system can go. Please understand. You are not going to convince that bear to spare you. That’s not going to happen. You think you can reason with a hungry bear? You think you can say it’s unconstitutional for a bear to devour its offspring? That bear is going to do what bears do. What it has always done. What it was designed to do. So, right at the outstart, you have to discard any notion that you can turn that bear around, or persuade it to go hungry for moral or ethical reasons. That’s not going to happen. This is irreversible, so any strategy you have that includes “reversing” this process is just going to get you chewed up.
The dismantling of America, the hollowing out of the federal government, the isolation, the economic collapse, this is all happening, and has to happen, and nothing is going to stop it from happening. You can’t flap your arms to keep a sprialing plane from going down. This is the future you are facing, and you need to make your plans based on that reality. Don’t be like Trump and come up with some fantasy AI video of the future you wish could be, but won’t be. And don’t make your plans based on the way you think things should be, make your plans based on the way things actually are.
I’ll give you another evidence.
Trump’s so-called “Gold Card” visa program. Have you heard about this? Offering residency and a path to citizenship for $5 million. This is not an immigration policy — it is a fire sale. He is not offering opportunity to the deserving; he is auctioning off the country to the highest bidder. This is not about job creation, economic development, or national prosperity. It is about the final commodification of American sovereignty, the absolute monetization of citizenship, the selling off of America itself to the a-national Owners and Controllers of Global Financialized Capital.
This program allows any foreign billionaire — whether a Russian oligarch, a Gulf shaykh, or a Chinese tycoon — to purchase permanent U.S. residency, and eventually citizenship, for just $5 million. No jobs need to be created, no economic contributions have to be made beyond the payment itself. There is no requirement for these individuals to integrate, assimilate, or even live in the country. They are simply paying for a passport.
This is a policy that reveals a stark reality: The American government does not see the United States as a nation anymore — it sees it as real estate, an asset to be leveraged, a commodity to be liquidated. The country is not being governed; it is being sold.
Some might say, “Why would a foreign billionaire pay $5 million for this when they can already invest in the U.S.?” The answer is simple: The Gold Card offers something that mere investment cannot — unrestricted access, asset protection, political leverage, and legal immunity.
Billionaires who secure U.S. residency gain:
Unfettered access to the U.S. financial system — No longer will their transactions be subjected to the scrutiny that applies to foreign nationals. Their money can flow freely, their investments can be made effortlessly, and their financial dealings will enjoy the protections of U.S. regulatory frameworks.
Asset protection — Wealthy individuals from unstable or authoritarian regimes can safeguard their money, their businesses, and their families in the U.S., effectively insulating themselves from the risks of political upheaval in their home countries.
Tax advantages — By restructuring their wealth through U.S. entities, they can exploit legal loopholes, evade foreign tax authorities, and even take advantage of tax incentives meant for domestic entrepreneurs.
Political influence — U.S. residency allows these elites to fund political campaigns, lobby legislators, and shape policies in ways that serve their business interests.
Legal immunity & extradition protections — Holding U.S. residency can complicate attempts by other nations to prosecute or extradite them. For many corrupt billionaires, the Gold Card is not just a visa — it is a get-out-of-jail-free card.
A second passport & escape plan — The ultra-rich operate beyond borders, maintaining multiple nationalities to ensure they always have a safe haven. The U.S. passport is a prized asset, giving them the ability to move freely across the world and evade restrictions imposed on their home countries.
So, in reality, this is not a $5 million investment — it is a $5 million protection racket.
What Trump has done here is place a price tag on citizenship, and in doing so, he has revealed the true priorities of those who run the system.
Think about this: If a refugee fleeing war and persecution seeks asylum in the U.S., they are treated as a criminal. If a hardworking migrant worker crosses the border, they are hunted down like an animal. If a skilled professional wants to immigrate legally, they face years of bureaucratic obstacles. But if a billionaire wants to buy a Green Card? No problem — just write a check.
This policy strips away any illusion that America is a land of opportunity, that it values contribution, that it rewards merit. No. The only thing that matters is money. America is no longer a country — it is an asset class. It is a nation for sale.
This policy does not serve America. It does not serve the American people. It serves the a-national Owners and Controllers of Global Financialized Capital — the stateless plutocrats who already rule over economies and governments worldwide.
They do not see themselves as citizens of any nation. They operate beyond borders, beyond governments, beyond laws. Their allegiance is not to America — it is to capital itself. They extract wealth from every nation, but belong to none.
What does this tell us about the trajectory of global capitalism? It tells us that nations are obsolete. That governance has been replaced by transactions. That citizenship is no longer a birthright, nor an earned privilege — it is a commodity.
Trump’s Gold Card is not a visa program — it is a clearance sale. It is an admission that America has been reduced to a marketplace, its government nothing more than a brokerage firm, and its citizenship just another product on the shelf.
Why not tweak the programme, honestly. Allow Americans to sell their citizenship for $5 million. Now THAT makes sense. Let struggling Americans get paid and move out of that country with their newfound millions. That’s a programme I could get behind. Imagine if, for instance, just 10% of African-Americans could sell their citizenship for $5 million each. That’s roughly 5 million new millionaires, $25 trillion between them. And you can get Dominican citizenship for an investment of just $100,000. So, again just for instance; you could make the Dominican Republic $25 trillion richer over night. I am just saying African-Americans because they have the most obvious reasons for being interested in selling their citizenship, but if you offered a programme like that, why I think you would empty that country out. I mean, ask yourself: what would you rather have? American citizenship or $5 million, and the opportunity to get citizenship elsewhere, and all the safety and security that comes with being rich? I think for most Americans it’s a no-brainer. Retaining your citizenship is never going to secure that kind of wealth for you, it’s never going to give you that kind of freedom and security. Why, I think you ought to ask for this. Trump already opened the door for it. You ought to demand the right to sell your citizenship, since he is already treating it like a product, like an asset that can be bought and sold; so why can’t the people who already possess that asset, who already have that product; why can’t they sell it? Isn’t that capitalism? Isn’t that the free market? Why can’t each individual citizen become a seller? I mean, Trump started it, anyone in the world ought to be able to buy American citizenship on e-bay. In fact, forget about selling it. If American citizenship is worth $5 million, shouldn’t we be entitled to a refund? I don’t know about you, but I sure never got $5 million worth of value from my citizenship. I think the government ought to buy it back. Just like corporations do with share buy backs; you know? You can have it. Give me that $5 million and we’ll be on our way. Who wouldn’t go for that deal? Why you would see that whole country depopulated within days.
But seriously, you are going to have to think in terms of how you are going to ride this avalanche, and don’t fool yourself ever into thinking that you can stop it or reverse it. No. You are surfing on a landslide, and you are going to have to pay attention to the way it is moving, to adjust your position accordingly, to make sure you don’t fall and get swallowed into it. And the unfortunate reality is that the power structure has spent decades making sure that you are not equipped to deal with this. Making sure that you do not have the intellectual faculties, the material faculties, the social skills, the community-building skills, or any understanding of solidarity, to survive. The American people have become literally the fatted calf, ready for the slaughter.
Look around you. The American people have been fattened up — physically, intellectually, psychologically — like livestock being prepared for slaughter. This isn’t just about obesity rates, though those are skyrocketing. This is about a population being systematically weakened, softened, and made utterly dependent, to the point where they can’t even recognize their own captivity.
Let’s start with the most obvious indicator: the body. In 1999, about 30% of U.S. adults were obese. Now, it’s over 40%. And severe obesity, the kind that cripples mobility, that causes disease, that makes you incapable of basic physical autonomy — that’s doubled in the last two decades. Children are following the same trajectory, with childhood obesity rates tripling since the 1970s. What does this mean? It means the system has engineered a society where people are too, too sedentary, too sluggish, too unhealthy to resist, too dependent on medications, on processed food. You’re not being prepared for a future of strength and independence — you’re being prepared for culling.
And this isn’t just physical. Intellectually, the decline is just as dramatic. Global assessments rank the U.S. embarrassingly low in literacy, mathematics, and problem-solving skills. We’re talking about a country that prides itself on being the leader of the free world, yet its people are struggling to comprehend basic information, to apply logic, to critically assess what’s happening around them. Do you understand what that means? It means the majority of people are functionally incapable of defending themselves against manipulation. They don’t have the intellectual tools to resist. They have been deliberately rendered passive.
And it’s not just statistics; the people themselves feel it. Poll after poll shows that Americans believe they are experiencing moral and intellectual decline. And yet, here’s the trap: they also believe it’s always been getting worse, that this is just the way things are. This is psychological engineering at its finest — convincing a society that its decay is natural, inevitable, and beyond reversal.
You are being cultivated for profit. You are being groomed for consumption by the very corporations and elites who claim to serve you. Your food is poisoned, your education is hollowed out, your physical strength is eroded, your attention span is destroyed. You are not being prepared for leadership, for self-sufficiency, for resilience — you are being prepared to be used. And the worst part? You’ve been made to accept it.
So the question is: are you going to keep grazing in the pasture, growing softer, growing weaker, waiting for the inevitable? Or are you going to break free from this cycle, reclaim your strength, and refuse to be led to the slaughter? Because let me tell you something — nobody is coming to save you. It’s on you to wake up and resist. I don’t know if you are ready for the challenge, because, like I said, they have made sure you aren’t ready.
You are going to need to build communities, and I don’t mean just hosting block parties or going to neighbourhood cookouts. I am talking about building parallel, community level power structures; localized, independent economies. Your own supply chains, your own resources — I mean basic needs resources like food and water. Education networks and community policing, and so on. And you can learn some of this, a lot of this actually, from the Global South.
Do you know there are some parts of Pakistan that even the army won’t go because the local leaders have built such strong parallel power structures that they function almost as autonomous zones? Or like I have talked about before, some of those prisons where the guards don’t even go into the cell blocks because the inmates have seized full control. Well, that’s your situation. You’re prisoners. You are inmates, not citizens. Understand this. You are inmates of America. Not residents and not citizens. And if you can’t find your way out, you are going to have to find a way to consolidate some degree of autonomous control where you are. Now, I am just telling you how things are shaping up over there; you can do whatever you want with it. But realistically, this is what you are facing.
That American bear, that corporate bear went looking for prey in the Global South, because that’s where all the prey used to be; but now the Global South has got its own bears, so he is coming right back to you, and you are going to need to be ready.