African liberation would collapse the West

Shahid Bolsen
12 min readJul 31, 2024


You know, George Friedman, the geopolitical analyst, wrote a book in the early 2000s called “the Next 100 years” where he tried to forecast what the world might look like in the year 2100. He began by talking about what the world looked like in the year 1900, and goes sort of decade by decade how radically everything changed between say, 1900 and 1930, or 1950. And it is truly astonishing how many drastic paradigm shifts took place. Empires fell, empires rose. World wars. On and on. Really breathtaking global shifts. When you look at history that way, it is hard to wrap your head around how many changes can take place in a relatively short amount of time, basically within one person’s lifetime.

In 1900, London was the center of the world, there was no Communism, no Soviet Union, there was the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hugarian empire, the Americans mostly stayed on their side of the Atlantic; and it seemed like this is how things would be indefinitely. Just a short 40 or so years later, everything changed. England was demolished, the Ottomans were gone, the Soviets emerged, Germany took over France, on and on. Really radical, unthinkable changes. Then go ahead another few decades, to the 1980s, and again, it seems like a completely different world. On ahead to the 2000s. It is remarkable.

And when you think about that, when you think about how many huge paradigmatic pendulum swings have taken place, or do take place, in a matter of decades; it makes certain continuities even more astonishing. When you are able to maintain a constant amidst the radical changes that sweep over every other element of international relations, global power, relationships between nations, and so on; when you are able to keep something unchanged, it lets you know just how important, how paramount it is, that this status quo remains intact, how important it is to those who are keeping it intact.

I am talking about the West’s relationship with Africa. The West’s economic relationship with Africa has not fundamentally changed in over 800 years. This is absolutely stunning. If the drastic and rapid changes that can occur, and have occurred, within the West over one or two decades is breathtaking, well, what about the fact that NOTHING has changed between the West and Africa in basically a millennium?

The relationship was ruthlessly extractive 800 years ago, and it is ruthlessly extractive now. And you can’t help but recognize that keeping things this way simply must be not only important, but literally THE most important thing for the West. It is so important to them, that they have always maintained this status quo no matter what else changes in the world. Wallahi, they are dedicated to the subjugation and exploitation of Africa more than they are dedicated to anything else. Everything is allowed to change except for this. This must never change. And it is not difficult to see why.

It is the subjugation and exploitation of Africa that has enabled the West to impersonate a superior civilization. It’s like a con man, a drifter, who tries to convince people he is an aristocrat or a monarch or something; well, he needs to be able to display a monarch’s wealth. And that has been the whole basis for the West’s claims about itself being superior; the whole basis has always been that they are materially successful. So, today, they have iPhones and technology, a high standard of living, and what have you, so they must be better, more intelligent, more evolved, more civilized, more advanced, than the rest of us. Look how nice their places look, see how much better their stuff is. Well, this is all reliant upon the vicious pillage and plunder of Africa.

Without the subjugation of Africa, Europe and the West would be nothing but crude, emaciated, serfs, barely producing enough to survive. Their wealth was primarily derived from theft and plunder, from piracy and slavery, mass murder and crime. That is just an historical reality. Because of the subjugation of Africa, first through chattel slavery — the extraction of Africa’s human resources — and now through the extraction of natural resources; the West is able to maintain this artificial, unearned status as a so-called civilization. Keeping Africa subject, subordinate, suppressed, and impoverished, is an existential need for the West. It is the only way they can keep up the pretence of their supremacy. Because, again, their pretence of supremacy has never been based upon any actual advancement, any actual sophistication, any actual moral or intellectual development. It has been based on the violent accumulation of wealth and resources. Upon brute power, deceit, and conniving. And Africa, the subjugation of Africa, is the most vital necessity for keeping this con going.

Right now, the trade relationship between the West and Africa is that something like 70% of exports to Africa are manufactured goods, and imports from Africa are raw materials used to make those manufactured goods. So, they are taking from Africa what is needed in order to produce goods, and then Africa buys the goods Westerners made with their raw materials. And the West has done everything possible to impede Africa’s ability to build its own manufacturing base so that they could use their own raw materials, their own raw minerals, to produce their own goods. The whole process should be done in house, it should all be done in Africa. That’s what makes sense. You have the materials, you can make the products. Rather than giving your raw natural resources to the West for them to manufacture and refine and process, Africa can do all of that themselves. Imagine the impact that would have. Where would that leave the West then? Well, they know that, they are acutely aware of their total dependence upon Africa. If Africa manufactured, if they used their own resources, their own minerals, their own materials, for their own industries; the entire economy of the West would collapse, and with the collapse of their economy, their whole so-called civilization would collapse. Africa is the foundation upon which they have built their house.

So, they know this, and like I said, this is why, no matter what else changes in the world, no matter how power dynamics shift, and so on; the subjugation of Africa has been maintained for over 800 years. There is literally nothing more important to them than this.

And this is why there are very powerful factions in the West that want to destroy BRICS, and why they fear-monger about Chinese investment in Africa, and why America specifically is engaged in non-stop interference, covert operations, regime change and regime infiltration projects all across the continent.

I mean, look at South Africa. The ANC, either out of naivete or corruption, or naivete that devolved into corruption, or out of coercion, or some combination of all of these factors; they collaborated with neoliberal programs to one degree or another for 30 years. But as global power dynamics have been shifting, and the creation and ascendancy of BRICS has been taking place, people have started to have aspirations; and more importantly, they have started to have options, and those options have made their aspirations actually achievable. I am talking about aspirations of political independence and economic sovereignty; aspirations of getting out from under the yoke of the West.

So, the ANC was facing, and is facing, severe criticism and opposition. They were being challenged by parties that do not accept neoliberalism, neoliberal colonialism, corporate colonization; and the US knew that eventually, they were going to lose power, they were going to face the consequences of capitulation and collaboration, and be removed and replaced. And if the US didn’t do something, the replacement for the ANC was not going to be an obedient client — because again, South Africa has the option now to NOT be an obedient client of the West. As long as there were no options, it wasn’t that risky. Even if the ANC lost popularity, no matter who replaced them, they would have no choice but to capitulate to neoliberalism. But there are options now. So, you have the United States backing the so-called Democratic Alliance. An overtly neoliberal, Western-aligned, elitist, political party of colonizer collaborators. So, the unpopularity and opposition to the ANC opened a space for the DA to move in in the last election. So, now, you have the so-called GNU, the government of national unity, which is nothing but neoliberalism-lite, and neoliberalism hardcore. It is a coalition of one party that was aligned with the West out of coercion, naivete or corruption, but which could also be potentially influenced by anti-neoliberal popular sentiments; joined together now with a party that is intensely committed to colonization, to neoliberalism. They want to privatize everything, they want everything to be sold off to the private sector, hollow out the government completely, and you need this radical neoliberal, colonizer faction there because, as options have emerged, radical anti-neoliberal positions are becoming viable. Literally the opposite of what the West wants, what the IMF wants, what corporate colonization wants. Calls for the nationalization of industries, rather than the privatization of state enterprises. Well, the West can’t have that, so they needed something like the DA to move in to avert the threat of South Africa actually becoming politically independent and economically sovereign.

They call it the GNU, but the N shouldn’t stand for National, it is the Government of Neoliberal Unity. It is a coalition united against the people of South Africa, in service to the interests of the elite private sector of South Africa, and to the global, Western private sector. The DA is a racist, Zionist, anti-BRICS, pro-Western, colonizer political party; funded at least in part by the National Endowment for Democracy, which is nothing but a wing of the CIA, whose sole mission is to advance American interests. So, in South Africa, this was a regime infiltration project that was undertaken to actually avert regime change in South Africa, organic regime change. And of course, South Africa isn’t the only place where they are doing that.

Because look, you can nationalize the mining sector in South Africa, you can nationalize the banking sector. You can nationalize the reserve bank. You can do all these things, and everyone knows it. It is not a mystery that these types of measures would immensely empower South Africa. These aren’t measures we don’t know whether they are useful and beneficial or not. Obviously they are. And tremendously so. And that is precisely why they have to be subverted. It is absolutely ludicrous for anyone in South Africa today to advocate neoliberal policies, when we have in front of our eyes the catastrophic failure of those policies. Nearly half the population is unemployed, over half is unemployed among the youth. 75% of South Africans earn just $350 a month or less; in fact, roughly half earn only about $75 — in a MONTH. And you are still going to advocate for the policies that got you here?

No, obviously, if you nationalize it is better for you. Empower the government with abundant revenues, instead of letting foreign companies seize those profits and transfer them out of the country. If those revenues are going to the state, the government will have the resources to better address the needs of the society, to invest in SMEs, provide education, skills training, fund R&D, and so on. It’s a no-brainer.

But you are scared of what the West will do. They tell you, if you nationalize, there will be massive capital flight, investors will run away, and so on. Well think about that for a second. They scare you with consequences that THEY are the ones imposing. They are warning you that if you do something that is in your country’s best interests, they will punish you. That is very different from telling you that the policy in and of itself is actually bad, they are telling you that they will MAKE it a bad policy because of what they will do to you for implementing it. These people are threatening you, and then you are supposed to trust their advice, the advice of these neoliberal predators, you are supposed to listen to them and trust their advice, when they are blatantly telling you that they will punish you if you do something to try to make things better? I mean, they couldn’t make their malice any more obvious. They couldn’t make it any more obvious how against your best interests they are, how much they put their own private interests above the interests of the country. They are openly identifying themselves as your enemy. Do you understand me? They are not saying nationalization doesn’t work and isn’t beneficial, they are saying, they will do everything in their power to make sure it doesn’t work, they are saying they will sabotage nationalization for the sake of their own profit interests — and still you let these types of people have a say in policy discourse? Why, that’s humiliating. They hold you in contempt, and they don’t hide it.

I’m telling you, everyone knows what should be done in a country like South Africa, and it is the same thing that many Global South countries should do. Everyone knows the obvious economic benefits of these policies, and everyone knows that the only reason anyone doesn’t implement these policies is because parasitic, predatory Western, colonizing private sector powers will try to punish them if they do.

For instance: The nationalization of key sectors such as mining, energy, and finance. This is essential to break the stranglehold of foreign capital and to ensure that the country’s resources are used for the benefit of the people, and the domestic economy. Land reform. The land question is a critical issue in South Africa. The should be a comprehensive land reform program that prioritizes the redistribution of land to the historically disadvantaged, this is basic and incredibly obvious. Once you have boosted the state’s resources through nationalization, there should be a comprehensive social welfare system that provides for the basic needs of all citizens, including healthcare, education, and housing. And finally, the government needs to pursue a policy of industrialization and job creation that prioritizes the development of the domestic economy; and like I said before, the manufacturing of goods from their own raw minerals and resources, rather than the export of those minerals for Western companies to use in their manufacturing.

Honestly, none of this requires any brilliance to understand. These are not actually radical policies, and they are only made to seem radical because everyone is living in fear of private sector tyrants who completely control the discourse, and you are not allowed to talk about anything that is not a policy genuflection to shareholders and Western supremacy. But everyone knows these are good polices that will help South Africa, and that the only reason anyone would think they might NOT be good for South Africa is because they would prompt a hostile, retaliatory response from the West. Well, like I said, that should show you what kind of friend the West is.

But look, South Africa, and all of the countries in Africa, all the countries in the Global South, they are in a position to dictate terms now. If Westerners want to pull out their capital, withdraw their investments, ok, go ahead. Dig around in your own lands for the minerals you need to make your stuff, and good luck to you. We have other investors who can take your place anyway. We have other companies that we can partner with. So, the only question is, how much are you interested in boosting the economies of China, Russia, and the Gulf? How much do you want to see the BRICS countries surpass you economically? You know BRICS already accounts for more of global GDP than the G7. So, if you want to pull out your investments, pull them out. You can only harm yourselves.

No, South Africa, and the Muslim lands, and all the Global South countries, it is time for them to just break away from this paradigm, break away from Western domination, and start implementing all those policies they know perfectly well will benefit them, whether America likes it or not. Can you imagine if the Gulf countries didn’t put the oil sector under government control? Look at them now, look at the amount of capital they have now. South Africa could have and should have a comparable sovereign wealth fund, there is no reason for them not to.

No, that millennium-long system of subjugation needs to come to an end, and it really doesn’t matter if the road to liberation is a little bit rocky, I’d rather be traversing a rocky road than be buried under the rubble, which is where the West has kept Africa for centuries. This is the richest and most important continent on the planet, and the West stole your riches and stole your importance, and has been an imposter on the throne for far too long. It doesn’t make any sense to be afraid of someone whose power is actually dependent upon you. That is psychological power, not actual power. They have a psychological power over you, but every element of their real power is completely derived from you yourselves. Your hand is on the tap that the hose is attached to that they use to waterboard you, and all you have to do is turn it off.



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